SAEVA Proceedings 2018 4. Proceedings | Page 76

SAEVA Congress 2018 Proceedings | 12-15 February 2018 | ATKV Goudini Spa of blood in airways and lung tissue, and reducing the likelihood of this may be the best justification for using F. Treatment with 0.5mg/kg furosemide iv 24 hr before strenuous exercise, when combined with controlled access to water (6ml/kg every 4 hrs with the last drink 8 hrs before racing), attenuated the severity of EIPH in 6 racehorses. However, because the number of horses studied was small, a larger clinical study is needed to further evaluate whether this treatment protocol consistently attenuates the severity of EIPH. Other Pharmacologic Strategies There are many other practices that are utilized in the cause of managing EIPH. They include pro-coagulants, nitric oxide analogs, phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, antihypertensive agents and other diuretics, bronchodilators, and controlled access to water. None have been shown to be effective in mitigating EIPH severity. However, their use continues in many places. Before these treatments can be dismissed, further work needs to be done under field conditions. Most of the research on EIPH treatments to date has been conducted using treadmills. As the following table shows, the severity of EIPH is usually much less during treadmill exercise when compared to that which occurs during racing or hard training. Consequently, it is much harder to show a scientifically significant effect when the severity of the control state is not very marked. Therefore, there may be some agents that so effectively mitigate EIPH when the non-treated condition is much more severe than is observed on a treadmill. Drugs for which additional evaluation is most indicated are the nitric oxide analogs and phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors. Horse ΔBAL rbc/µl treadmill TBE EIPH track score treadmill track 1 3 2 3,275 12,250 2 2 2 9,454 5,250 3 2 4 11,157 1,519,550 4 1 2 15,439 19,500 5 1 2 58,000 81,650 6 1 2 4,070 5,675 Table: Tracheobronchoscopic (TBE) EIPH score and differences between pre- and post-exercise bronchoalveolar lavage fluid red blood cell numbers (ΔBAL rbc) per µl of recovered fluid for 6 horses following supramaximal treadmill and racetrack exercise under controlled conditions. In otherwise healthy horses, bronchodilators do not dilate airways during exercise. There is a maximum diameter to which airways can dilate and the endogenous sympathetic nervous system is more than capable of inducing maximum dilation. Nasal Strips The application of nasal strips has been shown to reduce the severity of EIPH and it is unclear as to why more horses don’t wear them when racing and breezing. The mechanism of action is related to reduced resistance to airflow which in turn means that the inspiratory pressures generated are not as great with the result that the transmural pressure across the pulmonary capillary-alveolar interface are not as high, and EIPH is reduced accordingly. 71