SAEVA Proceedings 2018 4. Proceedings | Page 173

SAEVA Congress 2018 Proceedings | 12-15 February 2018 | ATKV Goudini Spa consistent with placentitis or placental edema while thinner than normal utero-placental thickness indicates fibrosis and placental insufficiency. Uteroplacental disruption Any large disruptions in utero-placental contact are abnormal and indicative of premature placental separation. The fluid between the uterus and placenta could be purulent, hemorrhage or edema. Uteroplacental separation If these disruptions are extensive or progressive and the mare is in late gestation, induction of parturition may be indicated. Equine Biophysical Profile Seven factors are included in the biophysical profile of the equine fetus (298 days gestational age to term) that are indicative of fetal well being, perinatal morbidity, and perinatal mortality. The seven factors related to pregnancy outcome are: fetal heart evaluation (heart rate, variation and rhythm), fetal aortic diameter, fetal breathing movements, maximal fetal fluid depths, utero-placental contact, utero-placental thickness, and fetal activity. Although a low score was a definite indication of an impending negative outcome, a perfect score was not assurance of a positive outcome. Fetal Death With fetal death there may be hyperechoic echoes within the fetus consistent with gas. The fetal fluids are resorbed as the dead fetus mummifies and curls ventrally on itself, making a fetal mummy difficult to find. 168