SAEVA Proceedings 2018 4. Proceedings | Page 162

SAEVA Congress 2018 Proceedings | 12-15 February 2018 | ATKV Goudini Spa
medial femoral trochlea is normally 1-2 mm thick while the lateral articular cartilage is 2-3 mm thick . The subchondral bone in the trochlear groove may appear irregular . With flexion , the distal articular margins of the femoral condyles can be imaged . With the caudal approach to the stifle joint , the caudal articular margins of the femoral condyles are visible .
Abnormal ultrasonographic appearance of joints
The normal joint fluid is anechoic or sonolucent with the joint lined by a thin synovial membrane and surrounded by a thicker echoic joint capsule in an effusive joint . Synovial villa or fronds can be imaged protruding into the joint space . Differentiating synovial villi from fibrin can be difficult . Detecting blood flow in the synovium and joint capsule with superb microvascular imaging ( SMI ), power Doppler or color Doppler ultrasound can be used to differentiate synovium from fibrin . As the synovitis and capsulitis become more sever , both become thicker and more vascular .
Distention of the femorotibial joint
Flocculent , hypoechoic to echogenic fluid may be imaged in septic arthritis . A hemarthrosis is suggested by the presence of large quantities of uniformly echoic fluid , particularly in horses with periarticular hematomas . The echoic fluid in a horse with hemarthrosis may swirl with movement . Synovial fistulae / ganglion / synoviocoeles ( ruptures of the joint capsule ) can be located ultrasonographically , as can periarticular fluid accumulations . Defects in the articular cartilage may also be imaged as scooped out areas or irregularities along the surface prompting further investigation . OCD lesions or fracture fragments may be imaged sonographically within the joint space . Fractures can also be diagnosed sonographically that are suspected clinically or scintigraphically but are not detected radiographically ( routine radiographs ). The