SAEVA Proceedings 2018 4. Proceedings | Page 133

SAEVA Congress 2018 Proceedings | 12-15 February 2018 | ATKV Goudini Spa
c . Autonomic malfunction
2 . Lesions rostral to the FM would involve the brain stem , cranial nerves , cerebellum , or cerebrum . Lesions in this region could cause :
a . Motor deficit – partial or complete b . Sensory deficits c . Autonomic malfunction
PLUS – Any of the following signs that are referable to the brain : d . Cranial nerve deficits e . Cerebellar signs f . Altered states of consciousness g . Dementia h . Seizures
B . The “ transverse axis ” 1 . Is gray matter , white matter , or both involved ?
2 . What specific tracts ( cord ) are involved and / or what specific nuclei ( brain ) are involved ?
3 . Are the abnormalities symmetrical ?
III . What is the Nature of the Lesion and its Cause ?
Two broad groups of neurologic disease are recognized : Functional disease and organic disease . With organic disease , a lesion , gross or microscopic , is present in the nervous system . Malfunction results . In functional disease , disease in some other system ( s ) alters the normal functioning of the nervous system , which is structurally normal .
A . Organic disease :
1 . Trauma – a single traumatic insult usually causes a maximum deficit at the time of injury or very shortly thereafter . The deficit stabilizes or begins to regress . Repeated trauma often causes progressive signs .
2 . Neoplasia – signs are usually characterized by insidious onset and progression . Uncommon in horses , but do not overlook neoplasia in young or very old individuals .