SAEVA Proceedings 2018 4. Proceedings | Page 106

SAEVA Congress 2018 Proceedings | 12-15 February 2018 | ATKV Goudini Spa Nephrosplenic ligament entrapment Diagnosis of a nephrosplenic ligament entrapment ultrasonographically is based upon the inability to visualize the left kidney transabdominally and the visualization of ingesta and/or gas filled large bowel instead in the dorsal aspect of the paralumbar fossa and the dorsal caudal left side of the abdomen. The spleen is ventrally displaced. The most dorsal portion of the spleen that can be imaged has a straight horizontal dorsal border extending from the paralumbar fossa to the 10-12 th intercostal space, at which point the colon is no longer visible due to the intervening lung. Dorsal to the spleen a bright hyperechoic reflection is imaged from the displaced or entrapped large colon. The sonogram can be used to see if treatment with phenylephrine, followed by lunging, or rolling the horse has successfully corrected the nephrosplenic ligament entrapment. Nephrosplenic ligament entrapment Right dorsal displacement The sonographic detection of enlarged colonic mesenteric blood vessels above the costochondral junction on the right side is indicative of a right dorsal displacement. This may also be imaged in some horses with an 180 o large colon volvulus. Lack of visualization of the duodenum and liver is often noticed in horses with a right dorsal displacement. A right dorsal displacement, a 180 o large colon volvulus or both were 32.5 times more likely to be found at surgery when a colonic mesenteric vessel was detected ultrasonographically on the right side of the abdomen above the costochondral junction. The detection of a colonic vessel on the right side of the abdomen in very specific for a problem involving the large colon. The detection of large colon dorsal to the right liver lobe is consistent with a large colon displacement or an epiploic foramen entrapment although usually small intestine is imaged in this location in horses with an epiploic foramen entrapment. 101