SAEVA Proceedings 2018 4. Proceedings | Page 102

SAEVA Congress 2018 Proceedings | 12-15 February 2018 | ATKV Goudini Spa that show these types of lesions most likely will result in damage to the nerve fibre layer and affect vision if the lesion size is a substantial size. These cases would be unsuitable for purchase. Multiple small “bullet holes” lesion through the non tapetal fundus are consider normal and very common. Conclusion: The ocular component of PPE is important and requires a thorough check of the globe and one needs to ensure that all parts of the globe are examined. No horse is perfect in every respect and some findings are manageable and the horse may be visual and functional and could be considered suitable. References: 1. 2. Gilger B. Equine Ophthalmology, 3rd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2017 Karpinski L G. The prepurchase examination Vet Clin Equine 20 [2004] 459-466 3. Unequivical significance vessel attenuation •• Retinal detachment •• Optic nerve atrophy •• Optic neuritis •• Phthisis bulbi •• Sarcoids, other adnexal tumors or masses •• Dysplasia of eyelid tissue or conjunctiva •• Ectropion or entropion •• Lid motility disorder •• Trichiasis, old lid repair that does not frame a normal aperture •• Chalazion •• Exophthalmos, microphthalmos, enophthalmos, buphthalmos •• Pronounced or unilateral strabismus •• Impaired pupillary light reflexes •• Large corneal scar near axis ••Multiple punctate corneal opacities ••Mineralized corneal deposits •• Corneal edema ••Multiple corneal stria, branching stria •• Corneal vascularization •• Flare, hyphema, hypopyon ••Miosis •• Eccentric pupil shape •• Synechia ••Mature cataracts •• Extensive cortical cataracts •• Lens luxation, subluxation •• Elevated IOP ••Multiple opacities in vitreous •• Vitritis •• Extensive peripapillary chorioretinitis with Mathews A G. Eye examination as part of the equine prepurchase examination. Equine Veterinary Education (2016) 28 (10) 566-59]. Uncertain significance Past sinus trauma (dents or raised areas) •• Eyelid skin that lacks pigment •• Solar blepharitis •• Small focal corneal scars •• Pigment deposits on cornea or lens with no other ocular abnormalities •• Lipid deposits in the cornea •• Single corneal stria •• Large iridociliary cysts •• Iridal hypoplasia •• Large granula iridica cysts •• Small focal cataracts •• Vitreal syneresis •• Vitreal membranes •• Focal “bullet hole” chorioretinopathy without other abnormalities •• Diffuse “butterfly wing” peripapillary chorioretinopathy without other abnormalities •• Proliferative optic neuropathy •• Senile retinopathy 97