SAEVA Proceedings 2016 | Page 267

  Viridans Group Enterococcus (1) Rhodococcus equi Corynebacterium Anaerobic Bacteroides No growth No. of horses 4 3 1 13 40 100% Chloramphenicol 94.7% Amikacin 100% ? ? - - - 1 1 20 40 Metronidazole Metronidazole - Schneider demonstrated that the combination of Penicillin G and Amikacin were theoretically the most effective antibiotics for treating the widest range of possible bacterial species in joint sepsis. Due to the resistance displayed by Streptococcus spp. Viridans Group isolates and Acinetobacillus sp. isolates, chloramphenicol was suggested as an initial thumb-suck antibiotic for treatment, after which the combination of Penicillin G and Amikacin could be used to cure the septic arthritis completely. The antibiotic sensitivity results obtained by the WDL corresponded to Schneider’s suggestions to a large degree. According to Schneider (1998), septicaemia was the most common cause of septic arthritis in the foals included in his paper. In my opinion, foal joint sepsis is very poorly understood. It is a possibility that 1) bacterial biofilms play an important role in cartilage infections, or 2) that automated immune responses are responsible for ‘septic arthritis’ to some degree in horses. References: Aharonson-Raz, K., A. Steinman, V. Bumbarov, S. Maan, N.S. Maan, K. Nomikou, C. Batten, C. Potgieter, Y. Gottlieb, P. Mertens, and E. Klement. 2011. Isolation and phylogenetic grouping of equine encephalosis virus in Israel. Emerging Infectious Diseases 17:1883-1886. Bailey, C.S., M.L. Macpherson, M.A. Pozor, M.H. Troedsson, S. Benson, S. Giquere, L.C. Sanchez, M.M. Leblanc, and T.W. Vickroy. 2010. Treatment efficacy of trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole, pentoxifylline and altrenogest in experimentally induced equine placentitis. Theriogenology 74(3):402-412. Erasmus, B.J., T.F. Adelaar, J.D. Smit, G. Lecatsas, and T. Toms. 1970. The isolation and characterization of equine encephalosis virus. Bulletin Office lnternational des Epizooties 74:781-789. Erol, E., S.F. Sells, N.M. Williams, L. Kennedy, S.J. Locke, D.P. Labeda, J.M. Donahue, and C.N. Carter. 2012. An investigation of a recent outbreak of nocardioform placentitis caused abortions in horses. Veterinary Microbiology 158(3-4):425-430 Howell, P.G., J.P. Nurton, D. Nel, C.W. Lourens and A.J. Guthrie. 2008. Prevalence of serotype specific antibody to equine encephalosis virus in Thoroughbred yearlings in South Africa (1999–2004). Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 75:153-161. Schneider, R.K. 1998. Common bacteria encountered in septic arthritis. AAEP Proceedings 44:152-158. Van Niekerk, M., M. Freeman, J. T. Paweska, P. G. Howell, A. J. Guthrie, A. C. Potgieter, V. van Staden and H. Huismans. 2003. Variation in the NS3 gene and protein in South African isolates of bluetongue and equine encephalosis viruses. Journal of General Virology 84:581-590. Viljoen, G.J., and H. Huismans. 1989. The characterisation of equine encephalosis virus and the development of genomic probes. Journal of Genetic Virology 70:2007-2015.                 Proceedings  of  the  South  African  Equine  Veterinary  Association  Congress  2016   266