SAEVA Proceedings 2014 Dental Wetlab | Page 12

E Q U I N E D E N T I S T RY — A N I N T R O D U C T I O N 11 References 1 Berit lfischer advances in local anesthestics for regional anesthesia and analgesia in horses AAEP focus 2009 focus on foot 2 S.A. Berryhill To Block or Not to Block? Understanding Regional Dental Blocks NAVC Proceedings 2007, North American Veterinary Conference 3 N. S. Matthews1 and G. L. Carroll2 Review of Equine Analgesics and Pain Management 53rd Annual Convention of the American Association of Equine Practitioners - AAEP, 2007 4 P . Wilkins Use of an Infraorbital Nerve Block in the Diagnosis of Headshaking 5 . 6 P. M. Dixon, Apical Infections of Cheek Teeth and Their Oral Extraction 7 M.P. Gerard Regional Anesthesia Techniques for the Equine Head 8 A. Harrison Local anaesthetic techniques of the head Proceedings of the 47th British Equine Veterinary Association Congress 2008 Fletcher BW. How to perform effective equine dental nerve blocks. AAEP Proceedings 2004;50:233-236.