MGB Boys & Girls
Basketball Club Team
MGB/SVUSD Girls Basketball Camp
This is a FREE 2 day basketball camp instructed by
Coach Marv Lim. For girls interested in the upcoming Girls Summer Basketball
League. Girls will learn how to shoot, dribble, pass, and
move without the ball using easy-to -understand drills.
Players will also learn the rules of basketball. This is a
perfect camp for beginning players that want to start
playing basketball. This camp also offers a challenging
curriculum for intermediate-advanced players. Please
bring a “Champion Effort” attitude, snack, basketball,
and exercise clothing. Feel free to bring a friend! Visit or call/text Coach Marv for questions
(949) 395-4409.
Ages: Girls 8-14 years old
Location: Serrano Intermediate Gymnasium
24642 Jeronimo Rd., Lake Forest, 92630
Nov 13
5:30-8:30 pm
Nov 14
5:30-8:30 pm
MGB/SVUSD Girls Winter
Basketball League 2015/16
League is divided into a separate “A” and “B” division.
League emphasizes on good sportsmanship, basketball
fundamentals, team concepts, and lots of fun! FREE
bonus weekly basketball development clinics, camps,
shooting clinics come with your registration. Player
prizes and awards passed out at end of each game.
FREE end of season pizza party is also provided for the
entire girl’s league! All players will receive a brand new
style Dri-Fit basketball uniform, Power Band Bracelet,
and many surprise bonuses throughout the season!
Teams practice up to two times a week. Players must
come to player evaluations. Free girls basketball training every Sunday at Serrano Intermediate Gym! Visit
our website for a special NBA sports memorabilia grab
bag & Power Band coupon! Visit for
more information & updates or call/text league director
Marv Lim (949) 395-4409
Fee: $165
Ages: Girls B division (8-10 years)
Girls A division (11-14 years)
League Format: 8-10 games & end of season tournament
Location: La Paz Intermediate Gym
25151 Pradera Dr., Mission Viejo
Parent/player orientation & player evaluation times:
Saturday, Dec. 5 at La Paz Intermediate Gym
B division (8-10 years) 8:30-10:30 am
A division (11-14 years) 10:30 am-12:30 pm
League ga Y\