Preschool Connection
FALL 2015-2016
The Department of Child Care Services has developed The Preschool Connection
programs to serve the Saddleback Valley community. These programs are
offered with different attendance options with a daily schedule of three or
four hours. The programs provide an enriched classroom environment
with guidance, experiences, and materials, including “Handwriting
Without Tears,” a pre-reading readiness curriculum. Daily activities
include readiness learning activities, music, art, games, and outdoor
play. Parents are kept informed through event flyers, newsletters,
and calendars. The Preschool Connection programs provide an
enriching, safe, positive learning environment offering the opportunity
for development through personal growth, involvement, interaction,
and exploration. Dedicated Preschool Teachers and Assistants have
education and experience specific to Child Development. Children
must be toilet trained to participate in class.
Fees range from $515 to $740 for the fall session
Call to be placed on a waiting list
Preschool Connection PLUS
Ages: 3-5 Years / For children 3 years of age by Sept. 1, 2015
9:00 am-1:00 pm / 2-3 days a week
Locations: La Tierra & Trabuco Mesa Schools
The Preschool Connection Plus Special Friends is a four-hour program
that was developed as a part of th HՕT