Sacred Places Winter 2022 | Page 5


True Partners

Chris Kendig Photography

Sometimes it ’ s hard to get one ’ s arms around the wide array of projects that Partners has underway at any given moment . We provide resources , support and capacity-building in many different ways , to many different congregations . But one way to make sense of it all is to distinguish between our grant-funded projects and our consulting work .

We often talk about the enormously important programs we manage that would not be possible without the support of donors and foundations . The National Fund for Sacred Places , for example , is supported by Lilly Endowment , Inc .; our work with churches in the Upper Midwest and Central Appalachia is funded by the Margaret A . Cargill Philanthropies ; and our Halo research with rural United Methodist churches in North Carolina is funded by The Duke Endowment . These are just a few examples of the work that is supported by foundations , large and small .
But what about the other side of our work — our consulting projects ? Thanks to the pioneering work of Gianfranco Grande , our Executive Vice President , and other leaders on Partners ’ staff , we have built a portfolio of exciting projects that serve individual congregations or judicatories . We are planning capital campaigns and helping congregations to engage the larger community as they invest in their buildings and build their ministry and outreach in exciting new ways . Thus , I ’ m delighted we have a major article in this issue on doing capital campaign work in the midst of the pandemic .
And I ’ m glad that article includes a quote from The Rev . Philip Major at St . Paul ’ s Episcopal Church in Syracuse , New York , with whom we ’ ve enjoyed a strong and fruitful relationship for years .
Father Major talked about St . Paul ’ s engagement with Partners recently : “ Partners for Sacred Places ( PSP ) is not just a name . The staff of PSP were true partners for our leadership team . We knew we could turn to them at any time for strong support . They ( PSP ) share our mission : to use the gift of our beautiful building , at the crossroads of our city , to bring hope and love to our community ! [ They ] are much more than consultants ; after 24 ( 18 ) months working together they are trusted friends and colleagues .”
Major is getting at the heart of what makes our consulting work — and indeed all our work with congregations — successful . Yes , we bring an array of practical and proven tools , and yes , we bring approaches and strategies that can help a congregation bring new life and resources to its place in the community . But it is our collegiality and partnership with faith leaders that is at the heart of our effectiveness .
A lay person at Immanuel Presbyterian Church in Albuquerque put it in another way , after we spent a day of training together : “ You bring such passion and energy to your work !”
I trust that we will bring — with your support along the way — that energy and partnership to many more communities of faith in the years to come !
A . Robert Jaeger , President
Joshua Castaño , Director of Special Initiatives Karen DiLossi , Director , Arts in Sacred Places Bridget Fidler , Senior Director of Consulting Nancy Finegood , Consultant Gianfranco Grande , Executive Vice President Pamela Green , Director of Marketing and
Communications Rachel Hildebrandt , Senior Program Manager Sarah Lyn Jones , Associate Director of Community
Engagement Simon Kaufman , Director of Development Allison King , Grants and Program Manager Hannah Rose Miller , Consulting Services Associate Craig Nowlin , Chief Operating Officer Gwen Richards , Consultant Tiara Richardson , Office Manager Owen Robbins , Special Project & Design Associate Emily Sajdak , Senior Project Manager Rochelle Stackhouse , Senior Director of Programs Geraldine Wang , Senior Fellow , Strategic
Michael J . Crosbie , FAIA , Editorial Content Manager
The Rev . Katherine Glaze Lyle , Chair
Ms . Barbara Abrajano Rabbi Michael Balinsky The Rt . Rev . Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows Mr . Rob Berard Mrs . David B . Butler Charles B . Casper , Esq . Mr . Mark Constantine Ms . Jennifer Correia The Rev . Peter D . D ’ Angio Mr . Marsh Davis Paul Edmondson , Esq . Mr . Marco Federico Sheffield Hale , Esq . Jorge L . Hernandez , AIA Lynn Hunt Gray , Esq ., Secretary Mr . G . Edward Hughes Ms . Rosa Lowinger Most Rev . Denis J . Madden Mr . James B . Straw The Rev . David W . Watkins , III Robin E . Whitehurst , AIA , Vice Chair and Treasurer
1700 Sansom Street , 10th Floor Philadelphia , PA 19103 Partners @ sacredplaces . org www . sacredplaces . org 215.567.3234