Sacred Places Winter 2022 | Page 16

Nearly sixty years later , 16 th Street Baptist Church , a National Historic Landmark , is home to a vital , 500-member congregation that is continuing the good work it is known for . It hosts numerous special events each year — from town hall meetings to concerts . In addition , the church also offers outreach ministries focused on supporting new fathers and people in recovery .
16 th Street Baptist Church is also a much-visited site for tourists and visitors . The church provides one-hour tours to visitors from all over the world who are interested in learning about the church ’ s role in American history , its ongoing commitment to justice and equity , and its identity as a church community . Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic , it welcomed more than 100,000 visitors annually .
When 16 th Street Baptist first approached the National Fund in 2017 , it had recently completed a $ 3.5 million restoration of the main church building and was planning to next stabilize and rehabilitate its 1911 parsonage . The parsonage will be the future home of the Wallace A . Rayfield Museum , named after an African American architect who studied at Pratt Institute and Columbia University and served as the architect of the parsonage .
The $ 750,000 scope of work supported by the National Fund will address the entire exterior of the building , including the restoration and repair of the parsonage foundation and exterior ( roof , masonry , windows , doors and porch steps ), and the creation of an ADA accessible ramp . It also included some interior work : a complete electrical upgrade ; restoration and painting of the walls , ceiling , plaster , and wood trim ; and a bathroom remodeling . Other grants will support the remaining interior work and the museum planning that lies ahead .
National City Christian Church
National City Christian Church fully embodies the National Fund ’ s core values . It is dedicated to the stewardship of its remarkable historic building ; it is a lively and healthy congregation ; it reflects on and actively works to strengthen its role in the community it serves ; and it opens its doors to nonmembers who utilize the programs offered by the church as well as the partner nonprofits that use its space .
The Washington , D . C . church is the steward of a historic Neoclassical building designed by John Russell Pope , who later went on to design important Federal civic buildings such as the National Archives ( 1935 ), the National Gallery of Art ( 1941 ), and Jefferson Memorial ( 1943 ). National City ’ s building was built in 1930 , on the eve of the Great Depression , with funds donated by thousands of fellow Disciples of Christ congregations across the nation .
National City ’ s building houses numerous community-serving programs and partnerships . Through its food pantry , which began 15 years ago , the church provides groceries to up to 275 families each week . Some of the families that participate in this program have access to kitchens and some do not , and the program has adapted to take this into account . The church also hosts midday organ recitals each Friday and a weekday playgroup for toddlers . National City , which received $ 250,000 from the National Fund was admitted into the program in 2019 . It ’ s scope of work included the replacement and upgrading of its heating , ventilation and air conditioning systems , as well as other building systems such as electrical service , hot water and chilled water supply . This work will play an essential role in ensuring that National City remains a vital , community-serving place .
National City Christian Church on Thomas Circle in Washington , D . C . Rev . Steven C . Baines