According to the Reverend John L. Smith, leader of
Olivet, it was well worth the wait, “As pastor of a historic
church in need of restoration, our feasibility study with
Partners for Sacred Places has been an indispensible
resource in helping us to create a personalized course
of action for what a successful capital campaign would
entail for our congregation.”
The congregation has not only embraced the feasibility
study findings, but the process itself. Reverend Smith
explains, “The intended objectives of our feasibility
study have been well worth our investment; however,
the corollary benefits of energizing our congregation,
linking us with community partners and providing
us with a true sense of empowerment, have been
incalculable.” d
How You Can Help
Sacred places do so much to anchor and
strengthen communities, dignify and stabilize
streetscapes, preserve cultural heritage, and
serve people in need.
Yet, congregations with historic buildings are
vulnerable, too. To answer this call, Partners
has developed and offered innovative programs
and creative ways to provide assistance. This
year alone, Partners is working with over 500
congregational leaders in dozens of locales.
This critical work could not be done without
your dedication. Your membership in Partners
has brought tangible results in the health and
sustainability of America’s sacred places.
However, there is still more to accomplish. So,
please join Partners, or renew your membership!
This year, when you join at the Donor Circle
Level of $125, you may choos