Welcome to
“ D
ance in Sacred Places , and the relationship Partners ’ staff helped us form with Hebrew Tabernacle ( through the miraculously generous Shelly Koy ), made the difference between my collaborator and me dancing and not dancing during the pandemic ” said Ingrid Kapteyn , Co-Founder , HEWMAN , Welcome to Campfire . “ While dance studios across New York City remained shuttered , having access to space to continue rehearsing safely enabled us to produce a music video , cultivate sixteen safely distanced , mostly outdoor performance opportunities , shoot a film , and invest our energy into what turned out to be a growth period for our company . Space is everything to dancers — without it , we cannot do what we do — and Dance in Sacred Places provided it when we had literally nowhere else to turn . We are overwhelmed with gratitude .” various parts of New York City , with one of the most moving dances performed at St . Luke ’ s Lutheran Church in Times Square . This spring , Broadway Presbyterian Church formed a year-long partnership with Stephanie Nelson Dance ( SND ). By the summer of 2021 , SND will rehearse , hold classes , and film performances at the church .
Build and Borrow
Welcome to Campfire Rehearsal , Hebrew Tabernacle , New York , N . Y . Tony Bordonaro , photography
A rapidly growing program , NYC Dance in Sacred Places is a success story for many reasons . Yes , it solves problems for artists and sacred places . However , the program also generated several important learnings , brought communities closer , and formed new relationships . But more can be done to expand and grow the program nationally . Congregations large and small have an opportunity to lean into dance or music , art showings , or other creative arrangements if that feels right . Consider marrying the tools and fundamentals of this program with out-of-the-box thinking to create new partnerships . Space-matching is smart and in its most basic form is a great way to utilize space , engage the community , and close opportunity gaps felt by the community at large . NYC Dance in Sacred Places truly demonstrates the value of identifying and nurturing the best space-matching opportunities for congregations and artists in any community . And one day soon , that community could be yours !