UPDATE on Partners:
Texas Office
celebration and awards program generously supported
by Texas Advisory Board Member Robert Pence and
Freese & Nichols, an architecture and engineering firm
with offices across the state. The evening began with a
reception in the fellowship hall where guests enjoyed
hors d’oeuvres, visited with one another, and reflected
on the past five years.
At the reception in honor of the Texas Office’s fiveyear anniversary: (l. to r.) Reverend Jonathan Adams,
Mt. Gilead Baptist Church; Marty Leonard, Texas
Advisory Board Member; and long-time supporter,
Kay Nader
Texas Office Celebrates Five-Year Anniversary
The Texas Office celebrates five years of service to Texas
congregations! In 2005, Partners for Sacred Places was
contacted by James Nader, a Fort Worth architect and
civic leader who wanted to bring a Partners regional
office to his hometown. Nader helped Partners connect
with local philanthropists who funded a planning study
that affirmed that north central Texas had all the right
ingredients – local leadership, congregational need,
and funding resources – to sustain such a venture. With
the aid of a $1 million grant from the Dick Bundy Donor
Advised Fund at the Wichita Falls Area Community
Foundation, Partners’ Texas office was launched in
The anniversary was marked by three days of activities
in Fort Worth, and coincided with a meeting of Partners’
Board of Directors. Events kicked off with a tour of the
Marty Leonard Community Chapel, named after Texas
Advisory Board member Marty Leonard, who gave a tour
of this magnificent interfaith Chapel that provides an
uplifting environment for worship, inspiration, prayer,
guidance, celebration, research, education, music, and
cultural e