UPDATE on Partners:
Texas Office
The Texas Methodist Foundation was founded
in 1938 by a group of Methodist clergy and lay
leaders from the Texas conference. They “sought to
protect the church from fluctuating economies” by
promoting long-term financial stability. TMF fulfills
its charge in numerous ways, helping to strengthen
clergy and laity so they, in turn, can guide their
congregations in using financial resources to meet
the church’s mission. Over the course of its work,
TMF has learned that congregations need not just
financial income, but strong leadership that can
advocate on their behalf. In this, Partners for Sacred
Places and TMF have goals in common.
Earlier this year, staff from Partners and TMF
convened in Austin for an afternoon to compare
notes on the missions of the two organizations and
the resources we each offer. The meeting’s goal was
to determine how we can work together more closely
to best to serve congregations throughout the state.
St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church, the site of the public launch of
Partners’ Texas Office!
TMF believes that Partners’ Public Value Tool and
Halo Effect economic valuations could be of great
importance to urban churches as well as suburban and
rural congregations, helping them identify the value of
their ministries and services in the communities they
serve. Partners’ New Dollars/New Partners training and
workshops can also provide opportunities for close
collaboration between the two groups.
We look forward to our partnership with the Texas
Methodist Foundation and expanding upon the
resources that both organizations have to offer.
Texas Advisory Board Members
James R. Nader, FAIA, Chair
Kenneth Barr
Cynthia Boyd
Diane Bumpas
Richard H. Bundy, AIA
Kris Calvert
Louise B. Carvey
Robert I. Fernandez
Donald Gatzke, AIA
Marty Leonard
Robert F. Pence, PE
The Reverend Brenda W. Weir
Ex Officio
Fernando Costa
Randle Harwood
William J. Thornton, Jr.
Sacred Places • Spring 2013 • 16