The Commercial Corridors Project
The historic houses of worship along Baltimore Avenue in West Philadelphia anchor their broader community, reflecting
the neighborhood’s history, development and present identity. As part of Partners’ pilot Commercial Corridors Project, a
coalition of congregations and neighborhood groups joined with University City District, the local special services district,
to design the Baltimore Avenue Venue Menu, a brochure that graphically illustrates that the Avenue’s historic sacred
places are open and available for public use.
In May 2009, the Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia’s Neighborhood Preservation Project gave the Baltimore
Avenue coalition a $1,000 seed grant to support the production of the brochure — one of only four groups to receive
an award. Design services for the brochure were donated by the University City District, and each coalition member
contributed toward printing costs. The Venue Menu, printed and distributed this past February, will promote these
neighborhood landmarks to new audiences, thereby building a broader base of support for the preservation and active use
of West Philadelphia’s community-serving sacred places.
Map places each site within
the context of Baltimore
Avenue and correlates to each
building’s listing inside the
Text gives a brief
history of the
neighborhood and
suggests creative
ways to use these
sacred places
Graphic icons
show amenities
of each site and
capacity of each
rental space
Photos highlight
the architecture
of each building
from current
building tenant
Contact information
specifically for arranging
building rental
Sacred Places • Spring 2010 • 18