Construction began in 1921 . Working in close collaboration with Fr . Baker , architect Emile Uhlrich designed Our Lady of Victory in the French Renaissance style , using pure white Georgian marble for the exterior , but the design also seems to reflect the elaborate buildings of the 1901 Pan- American Exposition that took place in Buffalo . The copper dome was the second largest in the nation at the time of its completion in 1925 ( the first being the US Capitol ). Four angels surround it , each 18 feet tall and pointing in the cardinal directions , proclaiming victory around the globe . As the west colonnade was completed , Fr . Baker was surprised and a little embarrassed to find a statue of himself installed surrounded by the children he served , an angel watching overhead .
The interior is grand , boasting more than 46 varieties of marble , including red Spanish marble columns at the main altar . The parish estimates that the Shrine contains more than 2,000 angels — many carved into marble statues and reliefs , portrayed in the several giant murals along the ceiling and dome , or depicted in stained-glass windows . One of the most unique sections of the interior is the Grotto Shrine to Our Lady of Lourdes , in which Fr . Baker ’ s body was enshrined . The grotto is made of lava rock quarried from Mount Vesuvius in Italy .
Situated less than two miles from Lake Erie , Our Lady of Victory has felt the toll of the area ’ s harsh environment . In recent years heavy summer rains caused water infiltration to damage both the sanctuary and lower levels of the Basilica . The deteriorating copper roof system and damaged drainpipes , among other concerns , needed to be dealt with quickly .
The National Fund for Sacred Places awarded Our Lady of Victory a grant in 2020 to assist in this endeavor . Grant funds targeted the partial restoration of the copper roof , replacement of the storm drainage system , restoration of exterior masonry , much-needed plumbing and electrical work , and the renovation of two community spaces in the Basilica ’ s lower level . Both the Marian Room and Susan E . Brvenik Community Room have already hosted numerous events , meetings , and gatherings . Our Lady of Victory leaders discovered a great deal about their building during the comprehensive capital improvements . On inspecting the dome for damage , workers were surprised to find bullet holes scattered across its surface . Older parishioners
The restored interior of Our Lady of Victory . Gary Butler
recalled a time many decades ago when someone decided to shoot down pigeons roosting on the top of the roof , leaving telltale holes in the copper .
A part of the technical assistance offered to all National Fund grantees is the option to measure the economic impact on the surrounding community , which Our Lady of Victory chose to do . Partners for Sacred Places staff , using the Economic Halo Effect tool , found that the parish adds more than $ 12 million in economic value to the Lackawanna community each year , not including the vast social and economic benefit offered by OLV Charities and OLV Human Services , which serve eight counties across western New York .
In a building as large and complex as the Basilica , new challenges constantly arise . The centennial has shifted the parish ’ s perspective toward its building , inviting leaders to look beyond the short term and forward to the next hundred years .
Over the last five years , many new investments have emerged in both the public and private sectors in Lackawanna . Businesses are popping up across the region . State programs offer incentives for the cleanup and revitalization of former industrial lots along the lakefront . Douglas Jemal , a New York City real estate developer making high-profile investments across Buffalo , has recently turned his attention to Lackawanna .
As Lackawanna experiences renewal , Our Lady of Victory is determined to remain part of its bright future .
Stations of the Cross at Our Lady of Victory , top . OLV Charities
Part of the scope of work of Our Lady of Victory ’ s grant was restoration of the roof above the dome , bottom . Gary Butler