UPDATE on Partners:
New Dollars/New Partners Success Story
In September 2012, Partners’ fourth interfaith New
Dollars/New Partners training in Chicago concluded
with a standing ovation from the graduates. In the
words of Phyllis Nickel, a trainee from Lake Street
Church of Evanston, the applause was “for Partners,
for everything that you have taught us – and for
introducing us to each other, from whom we will
continue to learn.” In the year since graduation,
Lake Street and each of the congregations from that
New Dollars class have accomplished enough to be
considered success stories in their own right. But
the way that they have helped spark success at each
other’s congregations, lifting up the entire cohort, is
the real triumph.
New Dollars graduation was hosted by North Shore
Baptist Church, in Andersonville, in a space that
Pastor Rich Darr gives a tour of First United Methodist Church Park Ridge,
is home to the congregation’s Spanish-language
outside Chicago, as part of Module III of the interfaith New Dollars/New
worship service – one of four dedicated worship
Partners training, A Capital Campaign Primer.
spaces in the building. While one congregation,
Building on the lessons of New Dollars, North Shore Baptist
it worships in four languages: Spanish, English,
has set out on a capital campaign that connects and leverages
Japanese, and Karen, a Burmese language. This diversity
these unique parts of its identity. The campaign will raise
is a reflection of the neighborhood, which is a magnet for
funds to renovate the Spanish-language worship space to
immigrants and refugees from across the globe. Another
facilitate more flexible use, so that it can also serve as a
group that feels right at home at North Shore Baptist is the
performance venue for local arts groups. These renovations
local artist community. Andersonville, a 10-minute train
will be made possible by a campaign that embraces the New
ride from Northwestern University, is home to many recent
Dollars model of fundraising. The Reverend Douglas Harris,
graduates who are starting theater companies and other
co-pastor of the congregation, has already approached
artistic endeavors. North Shore has carved out a niche for
several other faith leaders from different denominations
itself in the community as a home for auditions, rehearsals,
and faiths in Andersonville about supporting the effort, “I
and workshop space for these young artists.
was on the way to a White Sox game with a friend from the
neighborhood, a Rabbi, and told him what we were doing. I
asked him if he might be willing to donate to the campaign,
and lo and behold, he said ‘yes.’ Without the training, it
“Thank you, Partners, for everything
never would have occurred to me to even ask.”
you have taught us and for introducing
us to each other, from whom we will
continue to learn.”
Phyllis Nickel,
Interfaith New Dollars/New Partners Participant
5 • Sacred Places • www.sacredplaces.org • Fall 2013
When the Rev. Harris shared this success with his New
Dollars classmates, it was of particular relevance for the
Reverend Clinton Ward of Wayman AME. The church is a
20-minute train ride south of North Shore Baptist, located
in Cabrini Green, once one of the city’s most notorious
public housing projects. The congregation’s stained glass
windows still bear witness to the violence that used to plague
this neighborhood; they are pockmarked with bullet holes