Make a commitment. From 2008
to 2009, because no funds were
designated to support a full-time staff
person for Friends, the responsibility
was added to a staff already stretched
thin. As the Cathedral struggled to
balance its operational budget, raising
funds for Friends and its restoration
mission was not a priority. When Dean
McCaleb created a full-time Executive
Director position in January 2010,
Friends began to be successful.
Do what it takes. When the executive
director position was created, only
$20,000 was available to fund the
salary, administrative, and fundraising
operations. The executive director
The Very Reverend Douglas McCaleb of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Miami, FL,
immediately developed an annual
thanks patrons at a Friends of Trinity Cathedral gala. Photo credit: Al Ricketts Photo.
budget and outlined a strategy to raise
seed money for the first year’s operations in addition to
In 2009, serendipitously, Trinity Cathedral participated
the first year’s funding goal for restoration.
in Partners for Sacred Places’ New Dollars/New Partners
for Your Sacred Places training, gaining a valuable
Create an identity. Once Friends was formed in 2007,
framework and context within which to further develop
students from the local design school were invited to
and advance Friends of Trinity Cathedral. As former
submit ideas for a Friends logo and stationery package.
Executive Director of Friends, Cheryl D. Chapman,
The winning designer received a cash prize – and
explains, “the materials and training brought to life
Friends had its own identity.
the fullness and richness of our historic church, both
as one of Miami’s truly magnificent historic buildings,
Communicate a vision. Without the Dean’s vision for
but also as a vital community asset essential to and
the Cathedral, nothing would have been possible. But
reflective of the early and ongoing development of
Friends also needed a vision and mission that 1) would
inspire and compel people to give and 2) would clearly
define the purpose of Friends. Developing consensus
From its exhilarating Murder in the Cathedral murder
among key staff and leaders of Friends and the
mystery, which attracted more than 100 participants
Cathedral regarding the vision and mission was critical.
and several new prospects, to its highly successful
Friends of Trinity Cathedral Annual Preservation Gala,
Tell your story. In many ways, including a semi-annual
which raised $85,000 in net proceeds in just its third
newsletter, an annual report, Facebook fan page, parish
year, to “First Friends,” which recognized those donors
visits and presentations, a diocesan convention exhibit,
who contributed $1,000 or more, Friends of Trinity
and one-on-one meetings, the Cathedral’s restoration
Cathedral generated significant funds and dramatically
and preservation story was told to as many individuals
increased awareness of the Cathedral’s restoration and
and audiences as possible.
preservation needs.
Develop a plan. Working with key volunteers,
While it was not without some challenges during its
the executive director researched and prepared a
first year, Friends energized excitement and generated
comprehensive five-year business plan for Friends,
more than $500,000 in financial support from within
including five-year revenue and expense projections,
the Cathedral congregation, the diocese, and the wider
and a 12-month calendar of fundraising and
historic preservation community.
communications strategies and activities. A newly
established Friends Task Force reviewed and approved
Here are the key elements that made the fundraising
the plan.
efforts of Friends of Trinity Cathedral so successful:
Sacred Places • Fall 2011 • 20