Elmer C. Denis and Clarice Denis
Christopher J. Dieckhaus
Marc T. Dinardo and Elizabeth Drum
David A. Doheny, Esq.
K.A. Dorgan Architecture & Planning
Paula Dubberly
IHO – The Reverend Pierce W.
Louisa C. Dubin
Margaret P. Duckett and
Dr. George Drach
Barbara C. M. Dudley
James H. Duffy
Kenneth F. Dunker
Frances A. Eberhart
Barbara Eberlein
Paul W. Edmondson, Esq.
Char Eggleston
Linda V. Ellsworth
Jennifer Emerson
Episcopal Church Foundation
(New York, NY)
Episcopal Church of the Trinity
(Coatesville, PA)
The Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina
(Kingston, NC)
F+E Church Renovations
William M. Fackler
Robert I. Fernandez
Holly Harrison Fiala
First and Franklin Street Presbyterian
Church (Baltimore, MD)
First Baptist Church of Philadelphia
(Philadelphia, PA)
The First Presbyterian Church in
Philadelphia (Philadelphia, PA)
First Presbyterian Church of
Greensboro (Greensboro, NC)
First Presbyterian Church of Trenton
(Trenton, NJ)
First Union Baptist Church
(Galveston, TX)
First Unitarian Church of Baltimore
(Baltimore, MD)
First United Methodist Church
(Canon City, CO)
First United Methodist Church
(Charlotte, NC)
First Universalist Parish (Chester, VT)
Lawrence W. Fish
Mark Flood
Ray Foote and Diana Foote
Tuomi Forrest and Sara Macro Forrest
The Reverend Dr. Thomas E. Frank
Allison Garwood Freedland
Friends in Christ United Methodist
Church (Fillmore, NY)
Friendship Baptist Church
(Philadelphia, PA)
Martha Walker Fullington
Ken Garber
Larry Gebhardt and Janie Gebhardt
David S. Glater and Marilyn T. Glater
The Reverend Arthur Dan Gleckler
Cam Glenn and Peggy Glenn
IMO – Jason M. Dean
Gloria Dei Church (Philadelphia, PA)
The Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of
Southern Jewish Life (Jackson, MS)
The Reverend Dr. W. Wilson Goode, Sr.
John E. Goodenberger
Whitney Gould
Grace Epiphany Episcopal Church
(Philadelphia, PA)
Grace Episcopal Church (Bronx, NY)
Grace United Methodist Church
(Dallas, TX)
Karen and Gianfranco Grande
Greater Houston Preservation Alliance
(Houston, TX)
Alan Greenberger
G. Davis Greene, Jr., and Ann Greene
Barbara Greschak
Shirley and Jacob W. Gruber
Nan R. Gutterman and
William H. Irby, Jr.
H. E. Beasley Interiors (Seattle, WA)
Jack Hagner and Mary Ellen Hagner
Hahnfeld Hoffer Stanford Architects
(Fort Worth, TX)
Margaret L. Hale
Sara K. Hall
Philip B. Hallen
Kathryn Hamaker
Timothy Daniel Hancock
Walter J. Handelman, Esq.
George Harding
Margaret Harris
Henry G. Hart, Jr.
Henry Hauptfuhrer IV and
Gail J. Hauptfuhrer
A. Myles Haynes III
Heritage Ohio, Inc. (Columbus, OH)
B. F. Hicks, Esq.
Historic Building Architects, LLC
(Trenton, NJ)
Historic Denver, Inc. (Denver, CO)
Historic Landmarks Foundation of
Indiana (Indianapolis, IN)
Historic Preservation Department,
University of Pennsylvania
(Philadelphia, PA)
Historic Resources Group
(Los Angeles, CA)
Historic Saint George’s United Methodist
Church (Philadelphia, PA)
Historic Saint Peter's Church
Preservation Corp. (Philadelphia, PA)
Sue Hobbs and Phil Dietz
Dr. Carl B. Hoffman, Ph.D
David Hollenberg and Linda Bantel
Holy Cross-Immaculata Church
(Cincinnati, OH)
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
(New York, NY)
Hope Community Church (Detroit, MI)
Robert J. Hotes, AIA
J. Myrick Howard
Kathy and Michael Howley
Richard W. Huffman and
Susan Huffman
Mary Humstone
Diane F. Igleheart
Immaculate Conception Catholic
Church (Philadelphia, PA)
Immanuel Congregational Church
(Hartford, CT)
Carol A. Ingald
A. Robert Jaeger
Jewish Historical Society of Greater
Washington (Washington, D.C.)
Beverly A. Johnson
Dudley D. Johnson and Carole Johnson
Peter K. Johnson
Dr. Henry A. Jordan and Barbara Jordan
Joy of All Who Sorrow Greek Orthodox
Church (Indianapolis, IN)
Judson Memorial Church
(New York, NY)
Kann Partners (Baltimore, MD)
Roger Lee Katzenberg, AIA
Horace L. Kephart
Michael Key and Janet Key
Dale Kinney
Richard V. Kirk
James N. Kise, AIA, and
Sallie L.O. Smith
Sacred Places • Fall 2010 • 18