After the awards , food , and socializing were done , several members of the team worked late into the night putting finishing touches on the July issue of Sabres View .
Our second day of fighting began much the same as our first , an 0515 wake up , load out of gear , and fighters heading out to the field , minus 1 that was injured the previous day .
Our drive to the field was through some very thick fog that we were all excited to play in . However it lifted and cleared just before the start of the days events which saw us on the flip side of the day before . It was our turn to storm the beach in an attempt to take the objective points . It was a difficult push that lasted for a few hours . After the game ended , door prizes were raffled off back in the camping area . The second game of the day was cancelled due to a large number of people leaving after the prizes . The axis team was awarded the win based on their point lead .
We once again found our way back to the Imperial Motel and regrouped with the rest of the team . The rest of the afternoon and early evening was spent in an informal debriefing , going over pictures and videos of the event , comparing war wounds , and discussing some of our future adventures .