SABI Magazine Volume 9 Issue 4 | Page 18

Sustainability Leisinger whether it is state-of- the-art thinking to develop and formally state Codes of Ethics. It seems imperative that values – in all sectors of society – are reflected upon. unsustainable scenarios if all of us on earth consumed and wasted in the same fashion as the richest one billion! Right now there are 7,4 billion people on earth. Essentially, the changing of the game refers to the “development game” – the old paradigm of development, as is well-known, was too resource- expensive, too energy-consuming, environmentally too destructive and resulted in unsustainable production and consumption. Says Leisinger: “If all 7.4 billion people started producing, consuming and creating waste in the same way as the richest 1 billion does, we would need three earths – but we have only one and no Plan B. From a sustainable development perspective, all countries are “developing” countries and all have common but differentiated responsibilities.” What does this mean further? “For the “rich”, this means changed consumption attitudes resulting in using less non-renewable resources, consuming less energy, and emitting less waste. There is hope that new technologies will help to stretch the time for the transformation of product and consumption patterns, but eventually “quality of life” will have to be less material-intensive.” It seems all of us – especially those with the most in