SABI Magazine August September 2016 V 7 | Page 38


Ensuring uninterrupted service for energy sector pumps

partner supplying pumps for renewable energy plants , and to offer support for decades to come . This is in line with its commitment to traditional power utilities where the company has been supplying and servicing products for more than half a century . market , but it also ensures that local content requirements are met with world class products .
“ Even in terms of nuclear power , we are perfectly positioned to supply and support local efforts wherever and whenever they come to fruition . We are also in a position to lend expertise to other emerging power generation technologies such as concentrated solar energy that is becoming a viable solution for IPPs in this country - especially considering the amount of sunshine days in southern Africa .
A concentrated solar power site
KSB pumps for concentrated solar power stations

Technologically advanced systems are required on modern-day renewable energy plants , to squeeze every available kilowatt of power out of the plant and gain the right efficiency to ensure the projects ’ success .

In support of these efforts , KSB Pumps and Valves is ready to assist independent power producers ( IPPs ), to act as a fluid transfer technology
Stefano Testi of KSP Pumps and Valves says the company wants to work with local IPPs to develop technologies for the renewable energy sector
According to Stefano Testi , who is responsible for the energy sector at KSB Pumps and Valves , the company is eager to also play a leading role in the development of clean power alternatives . As a world leader in the supply of fluid transfer solutions to the global energy sector , the company wants to leverage its global expertise for the local industry .
Local content
“ We have the ability to transfer knowledge and skills from across the globe for all forms of power generation , whether it be renewable energy or traditional forms , to our local manufacturing facility and invest in the technology required to procure and manufacture world class pumps locally . Not only will this support the local energy
Common types
He continues that KSB Pumps and Valves are being used in the renewable energy market worldwide , supplying boiler feed water , heat transfer fluid , and auxiliary pumps for all applications , available in different sizes and configurations as required . API 610 11th edition heat transfer fluid pumps and auxiliary pumps are locally manufactured , providing tested solutions for African conditions .
Another emerging market is using pumps as turbines ( PaT ’ s ). With the support of the KSB Group and local knowledge transfer we will be in a better position to also offer energy recovery solutions in Africa .
Stefano concludes , “ All our pumps are manufactured to the highest KSB quality standards and conform to all applicable international standards . We have branches across Southern Africa , in West Africa , in East Africa , and have a long track record of supporting our equipment anywhere within the sub – Saharan region . No matter how big or small , we pride ourselves in taking care of our products in the field and have an enviable track record when it comes to after-sales support – particularly in the energy sector .”

Refurbishing tired valves

Ryan Croker of KSB Pumps and Valves

KSB ’ s valve repair workshop is able to undertake all repairs and refurbishment of largescale and complex valves , including high pressure steam valves

Refurbishment rather than replacement of valves is increasingly viewed as a means of reducing capital expenditure , but only if work being carried out is in accordance to the SANS 347 , South African Pressure Equipment Regulations and manufacturer ’ s strict requirements .
This is according to Ryan Croker , KSB Pumps and Valves , valve service and acting sales manager , adding that refurbishment can offer a number of advantages including reduced lead times for large engineered valves . In other instances , the custom-fit nature of certain valves makes it preferable to refurbish rather than replace . Cost is also a factor , but these benefits are meaningless unless the valve is restored to OEM specifications and conditions to ensure reliable service in the long run .