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South African Landscape Institute ( SALI ) Awards
Shining landscape projects recognised in Stellenbosch
SALI Awards
The 2016 highly successful SANA / SAGIC Conference was recently held in Stellenbosch . The top-notch event featured great speakers – like Justice Malala and Dawie Roodt . Rightly so , Justice Malala said there was a “ good vibe ” amongst the large gathering , on introducing his thoughtprovoking and highly relevant speech .
A memorable part of the event was the Award evening . A range of wonderful landscape projects were showcased as the SALI Award recipients were announced . The winners included trophy winners , gold , silver , bronze and merit award winners .
Turf Specialist received the SALI Shield of Excellence for Best Overall Entry , for the Francistown Stadium in Botswana . Turf Specialist also received the Best
Novice Entry and the Evergreen Turf Trophy for Best Specialised Turf Construction .
Scooping the Rand Water Trophy for the Best Water Wise Entry was Life Landscapes and Real Green Joint Venture at Sun City .
Earthforce Landscapes walked away with the “ Just Trees Trophy ” for the Best Landscape Construction with Design by Others for The Houghton project .
SALI National Judges Discretionary Award Marijke Honig
+ 27 21 850 8220 info @ sabi . co . za www . sabi . co . za
SALI Shield for Excellence in Landscaping ( Overall Award ) Turf Specialist for Francistown Stadium |
South African Green Industries Council |
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