SABI Magazine August September 2016 V 7 | Page 34

Weather Weather - Seasonal Climate Watch July to November 2016 Advisory Current observations show a neutral ENSO (El-Niño Southern Oscillation) state. As most ENSO prediction models indicate, the development of a (weak) La-Niña is likely toward late spring through the summer season of 2016/17. Climate conditions over adjacent oceans and most forecast models suggest the likelihood of a warmer Recommendation and drier late winter season over the interior and north eastern parts of the country. The far south western parts may experience its usual winter conditions however. How rainfall and temperature conditions would evolve toward spring and the early summer season is however not clearly manifested as yet. The continuation of drier and warmer conditions over most of the country is likely to persist for the remainder of this winter season while, as indicated above, parts of the south west do not mirror these tendencies. Furthermore, rainfall and temperature forecasts during spring and the early summer season are still dominated by a growing uncertainty. It is therefore highly recommended that mediumand shorter-range weather forecasts be monitored for the development of conditions that may alter or strengthen the expectation of the current forecast. Rainfall Minimum and Maximum Temperatures Despite the large uncertainty and marginal confidence (Figure A1) in the forecasting system, there are chances for below- (above-) normal rainfall conditions over the south eastern (north eastern) parts of the country for the winter and spring seasons. Minimum and maximum temperature forecasts show a tendency of warmer than usual temperatures over the country particularly over the north-eastern parts during mid-winter and early spring while the western exhibits enhanced probabilities for below-normal maximum temperatures (Figure 2). For improved confidence in a probabilistic prediction use is made of skill scores most notably the Relati