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“Neo-Hoodoo is the 8 basic dances of 19th century New Orleans’ Place Congo — the
Calinda, the Bamboula, the Chacta, the Babouille, the Conjaille, the Juba, the Congo,
and the VooDoo — modernized into the Philly Dog, the Hully Gully, the Funky Chicken,
the Popcorn, the Boogaloo, and the dance of great American choreographer Buddy
— Ishmael Reed
Charles thought he might be overcome
would take place. The air was heady with superstition when he was told where the meeting
tombstones like a tired lover. The vau with the scent of life. Lush green curled up to the
for hundreds of years and retained lts and statues had stood up to hurricanes and storms
a quiet dignity. The cemetery was bea
His contact, however, was not. Cha
Agau a corpse propped up
against a vault if he wasn’t currently
to be muttering to himself, but Charles flipping through the requested papers. The man seemed
strangely as well — sunglasses, with couldn’t see Agau’s mouth move much. He was dressed
sweated through light linens in the sou leather gloves and a thick leather overcoat. Charles
and pale. When Vasquez had told him th Florida heat, even at night. Agau’s skin was dry
on his phone. Agau was a voodoo loa the killer’s name, Charles did a little bit of research
. An angry one at that, who called him
of gods. Obviously a code name.
self the gunner
“It sounds like a strange request,”
can you make sure she doesn’t feel said Charles, “but I still love her very much. Can...
any pain?”
Agau laughed a low rasp, like two hea
sure she doesn’t go to the press abo vy stones scraping together. “But you want to make
ut your infidelity,” he said. The voic
more pleasant.
e was not much
Charles nodded his head. “Vasquez did
n’t tell me how much this was going to
some cash with me in the car. Half up
cost. I brought
front now, half once it’s done?”
The rasp returned along with a slo
a similarity in the way that Agau and w head shake. Somewhere, Charles thought he notic ed
Vasquez moved.
“One third now,” said Agau. He began
earlier. “One third when it’s done. One to pull off one of the leather gloves Charles noticed
third on the next full moon or when
Marie Laveau