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Shadowlands Shellshock Harbingers of Skulls who spent any length of time in the Shadowlands often bear the mental scars, after years of harrying by horrifying spirits and worse denizens of the Underworld. Derangements such as Amnesia, Fugue, Paranoia, and Schizophrenia are prevalent among Harbingers of Skulls. If you wish to take one as a Flaw, discuss the symptoms of your character’s Derangement, and your Storyteller can assign it a point value. Character and Traits Concepts Carnevale Masquer The devil hides best in plain sight. You organize enticing Elysiums for the Camarilla, and thrilling esbats for the Sabbat. Your face isn’t acceptable in polite society, but neither were the countenances of the syphilitics and leprous nobles of centuries gone by. Like them, you’ve a selection of masks, allowing you to circulate with your lessers as they spill their secrets. When the time is right, you’ll split Cainite society open down the fissures you’ve created with destructive intrigues. As the world falls apart, you’ll be tripping the dance of the dead. Conflicted Disciple You’re an adherent, but doubts wrack you. Lazarus rescued you from destruction twice; by saving your hide from the insane Ashur, and by sending you into the Shadowlands when the Giovanni came knocking. You’d lay down your existence for Lazarus, but you question his altruism. All he asks is your ascent within the Sabbat. He says it’s the best weapon against Ashur. You hone your Necromancy and offer tutelage to other Sabbat, yet the more you follow Lazarus’ decree, the more you realize your liberty to choose. You’re tempted to use your new freedom to escape the repetitive entropy afflicting your bloodline. LORE OF THE BLOODLINES 47