SAAA Residence Magazine October 2020 | Page 8

Assistance for Renters

City of San Antonio & Bexar County
City ’ s Risk Mitigation Fund ( for rent payment assistance ) https :// www . sanantonio . gov / NHSD / Programs / FairHousing 210-207-7830
Bexar County Community Resources https :// www . bexar . org / 2748 / Community-Resources 210-335-3666
The Bexar County Temporary Rental Assistance Measure ( TRAM ) for Residents Living in Unincorporated Bexar County or One of its 26 Suburban Cities https :// habctx . org / TRAM 210-940-1180
Housing Authorities
Bexar County ’ s Housing Authority : https :// habctx . org / 210-225-0071 San Antonio Housing Authority : https :// saha . org / coronavirus
Utilities Companies
CPS Energy : www . cpsenergy . com / assistance 210-353-2222
SAWS : https :// uplift . saws . org / 210-233-CARE ( 2273 )
Alamo Area Resource Center – 210-358-9995 https :// www . aarcsa . com /
Catholic Charities – Crisis Intervention Program ( utilities only ) – 210-226-6171 - https :// ccaosa . org /
Christian Assistance Ministry ( CAM ) – 210-223-4099 https :// christianassistanceministry . org /
Ella Austin Community Center – 210-224-2351 https :// ellaaustin . org / programs-services /
Salvation Army – Social Services - 210-352-2020 http :// www . salvationarmysanantonio . org / contact-us /
San Antonio AIDS Foundation ( tenant-based rental assistance ) – 210-225-4715 https :// sanantonioaids . org / services / community-based /# saaf-housing
SAMMinistries – 210-340-0302 - www . samm . org / get-help
St . PJ ’ s Children ’ s Home ( must have disability ) 210-531-8555 - http :// www . stpjhome . org /
St . Vincent de Paul ( utilities , rent , funeral arrangements & medication ) – 210-225-7837 - https :// svdpsa . org / gethelp
Texas Diaper Bank ( free diapers , formula gap service , food assistance ) – 210-731-8118 - http :// www . texasdiaperbank . org /
San Antonio Food Bank - 210-337-3663 https :// safoodbank . org /
San Antonio Community Resources Directory - https :// sacrd . org / directory /
This document will be updated as new information becomes available
United Way of San Antonio - Dial 2-1-1 www . unitedwaysatx . org / 2-1-1 /
Revised 6 / 1 / 2020
8 OCTOBER 2020 SPECIAL EDITION | www . saaaonline . org