SAAA Residence Magazine October 2020 | Page 30

Cloth Face Covering Do ’ s and Don ’ ts

Do :

• Make sure you can breathe through it .
• Wear it when directed to and when in public places , like grocery stores .
• Make sure it covers your nose and mouth .
• Wash after using , like normal laundry .

Don ’ t :

• Use if you cannot take it off yourself , like young children under 2 .
• Use masks , PPE , intended for healthcare professionals .
• Stop social distancing , washing your hands , and preventing germs .

Their face covering protects you , your face covering protects them . Staying 6 feet away protects both of you .

updated 05 / 01 / 20
30 OCTOBER 2020 SPECIAL EDITION | www . saaaonline . org

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