SAAA Residence Magazine March, 2021 | Page 44

For updates and more information , visit dshs . texas . gov / coronavirus .
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: 211texas . org
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line : 1.833.986.1919 s updated 07 / 16 / 20

C O V I D -19 : What to Do

6 ’

Stay 6 feet away from all people not in your household .

Wash hands o�en with soap and water for 20 seconds .

When soap and water aren ’ t available , use hand sanitizer with at least 60 % alcohol .

Wear a face covering in public . Cover coughs and sneezes with a disposable tissue .

Avoid touching your eyes , nose , and mouth with unwashed hands .

Disinfect surfaces , buttons , handles , knobs and other places touched often .

If sick , get tested and then stay home .

For updates and more information , visit dshs . texas . gov / coronavirus .





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: 211texas . org

COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line : 1.833.986.1919 s updated 07 / 16 / 20
9:30 am