SAAA Residence Magazine March, 2021 | Page 26

• Building defenses against COVID-19 in this facility and in your community is a team effort . And you are a key part of that defense .
• Getting the COVID-19 vaccine adds one more layer of protection for you , your coworkers , patients , and family .
Here are ways you can build people ’ s confidence in the new COVID-19 vaccines in your facility , your community , and at home :

Why Get Vaccinated ?

To Protect Yourself , Your Coworkers , Your Patients , Your Family , and Your Community

• Building defenses against COVID-19 in this facility and in your community is a team effort . And you are a key part of that defense .

• Getting the COVID-19 vaccine adds one more layer of protection for you , your coworkers , patients , and family .

It all starts with you .

Here are ways you can build people ’ s confidence in the new COVID-19 vaccines in your facility , your community , and at home :

� Get vaccinated and enroll in the v-safe text messaging program to help CDC monitor vaccine safety .
� Tell others why you are getting vaccinated and encourage them to get vaccinated .
� Learn how to have conversations about COVID-19 vaccine with coworkers , family , and friends .

www . cdc . gov / coronavirus / vaccines

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