SAAA Residence Magazine January 2023 JANUARY2023_DIGITAL_Magazine (1)-SG | Page 14


Dear Members ,
Happy New Year ! I ’ m sending each of you my special wishes for success both personally and professionally in 2023 ! My new year has started off in an exciting way as SAAA ’ s new president . This is not my first rodeo , having served as your president in 2013 . It appears I have something with threes – 13 and 23 ! I have served in multiple capacities and in all levels of the apartment association – National , Texas , Tarrant County and of course , our beloved San Antonio . SAAA service includes 11 years on the executive committee , four years as a board director and a committee chair / member for 15 years . As you can see by my years of service , I am deeply committed to SAAA ’ s mission .
As I reflect on the successes and impact SAAA has had not only on our industry , but also in our community , I return to the office as President with a great sense of pride and appreciation for all we ’ ve achieved together . Associations thrive because of our members , and please know SAAA values every member . As a 59-year-old association , our strong history is the foundation for future mission greatness .
Because SAAA is a family , I ’ d like to share a bit about my family . My parents raised me and my sisters to always put family first . I enjoy family time with my sisters and nieces . In addition to my own family members , I consider everyone in SAAA as a part of my extended family . We are better together !
My goal as President is to empower volunteers and staff to take this association to the next level . My challenge to each of you in 2023 is to , “ RAISE your standards , and RAISE SAAA .” While this is a lofty goal , working together we can do this ! Other critical goals are engaging more members with our government affairs initiatives and increasing contributions to our Political Action Committee ( PAC ). SAAA is committed to ensuring our member experiences are meaningful and robust through constant evaluation of our board volunteer and staff support , professional development training and events . My other priority is for SAAA to begin actively participating in the THRU Project which is a 501 ( c ) 3 nonprofit organization supporting San Antonio and surrounding area foster youth as they age out of the foster care system . These youth are often alone with no adult to guide them through this critical time of transition . THRU recruits and trains adult volunteers to serve as mentors and then matches adults with youth for one-on-one mentorship . THRU offers life skills training , job seeking and college application assistance , as well as setting up first-time apartments ( SAAA can make a huge impact here ) and personal finance navigation .
Communication will play a key role in raising our standards and ultimately SAAA . I encourage you to contact me anytime with suggestions or requests for assistance . SAAA ’ s new Executive Director Kyle Ward and I are excited about 2023 and look forward to making this year our best one ever !
Renetta Quintana SAAA President
8 JANUARY 2023 | www . saaaonline . org