SAAA Residence Magazine January 2021 | Page 28


about their safety and security . Insecurity , distractibility and anger are all felt .
Seek to re-establish a sense of normalcy at work Employers and managers would do well to strike a balance in dealing with their fellow employees . It ’ s difficult not to be preoccupied with the events and aftermath of crisis or trauma , but employers should offer assistance and opportunity to process feelings and thoughts of their employees .
Validation of feelings & ability to express these are a powerful tool in healing . Allow employees to be a part of discussions , while offering reassurance , development and implementation of personal safety plans within the workplace is vital .
Efforts to promote sense of unity , solidarity , as well as counseling time and resources , facilitate healing . Managers may also want to include family members in discussions and meetings , as the experience will likely impact the entire family . In event of job loss , effective employers assist workers in preparation and options as they search for new employment . Employers need to be aware that male and female employees may address the issues differently .
Some employees will be tearful , others angry . Some may talk incessantly , while others don ’ t want to talk at all . By allowing and accepting employee ’ s feelings , acknowledging one ’ s own personal feelings and providing support and services , an employer models behavior which can be a powerful source of strength for employees .
By becoming proactive rather than reaction , an employer creates security . By encouraging employees to redirect their anxiety and anger into productive channels to address the crisis ( such as gathering funds to assist survivor ’ s families , volunteering in local crisis centers , serving on boards to address future issues related
28 JANUARY 2021 | www . saaaonline . org