Employers may operate their offices with up to 75 % of the total office occupancy , provided the individuals maintain appropriate social distancing . All employees and customers must wear a face covering ( over the nose and mouth ) wherever it is not feasible to maintain six feet of social distancing from another individual not in the same household .
The following are the minimum recommended health protocols for all office work employers choosing to operate in Texas . Office work employers may adopt additional protocols consistent with their specific needs and circumstances to help protect the health and safety of all employees , contractors , and customers .
The virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to others by infected persons who have few or no symptoms . Even if an infected person is only mildly ill , the people they spread it to may become seriously ill or even die , especially if that person is 65 or older with pre-existing health conditions that place them at higher risk . Because of the hidden nature of this threat , everyone should rigorously follow the practices specified in these protocols , all of which facilitate a safe and measured reopening of Texas . The virus that causes COVID-19 is still circulating in our communities . We should continue to observe practices that protect everyone , including those who are most vulnerable .
Please note , public health guidance cannot anticipate every unique situation . Office work employers should stay informed and take actions based on common sense and wise judgment that will protect health and support economic revitalization . Employers should also be mindful of federal and state employment and disability laws , workplace safety standards , and accessibility standards to address the needs of both workers and customers .
Health protocols for your employees and contractors :
� Train all employees and contractors on appropriate cleaning and disinfection , hand hygiene , and respiratory etiquette .
� Screen employees and contractors before coming into the office :
� Send home any employee or contractor who has any of the following new or worsening signs or symptoms of possible COVID-19 : - Cough - Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing - Chills - Repeated shaking with chills - Muscle pain - Headache
- Sore throat - Loss of taste or smell - Diarrhea - Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit
- Known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-19
. saaaonline . org | DECEMBER 2020 SPECIAL EDITION 43