How to join ...
The PAC Perks Investment Club is an exclusive program for members interested in making recurring donations to the San Antonio Political Action Committee ( PAC ) to support advocacy on behalf of rental housing owners , builders , developers , and managers . Go to https :// www . saaaonline . org / pac-pic for more information .
Special Note on SAAA PAC Donations : SAAA PAC does not accept corporate funds . Therefore , donations cannot be paid with corporate checks or corporate credit cards . Your SAAA account cannot be billed . SAAA PAC contributions are not tax deductible . Checks should be made payable to “ SAAA PAC ” and will be used as political contributions for local candidates favorable to the rental housing industry . SAAA PAC will not favor nor disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount contributed or the decision whether or not to contribute . In addition , political committees are required by law to report the name , mailing address , occupation and name of employer for each individual .
Pol . Adv . Paid for by the San Antonio Apartment Association Political Action Committee . Federal law prohibits soliciting contributions from individuals who are not San Antonio Apartment Association members . Information disseminated in the public domain about SAAA PAC might be considered a solicitation , therefore investments received from non-SAAA members through this campaign will be returned .
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