Stephanie Poux
SAAA 2019 Product Service Council President | CSC ServiceWorks
alling all SAAA Members!! That’s Right ALL bers at EVERY event you attend; say Hello!! In fact, one
Members; suppliers and owner/manage- of our New Networking Mixers is coming up on May
ment members!! 23rd at Walk-Ons off IH-10 and you’ll have the opportu-
WOW what a blast Maintenance Mania was at our
nity to mix and mingle with ALL members and just have
a great time. Get to know your peers and clients!!!
new venue Pedrotti’s on March 1st! This event is put on
for all Maintenance Professionals to show their skills in 8 A very important part of our industry is making an im-
games while having the chance to win some cash and pact with advocacy; what we do really does make a
prizes all the way up to national level! This event is put difference. May 4th is the City Council and Mayoral
together by the Programs committee and was chaired Elections. PSC knows this is important and will cover an
this year by Ryan Baldwin of Franklin Management; entire shift this day!! If you are interested in participat-
please let Sandra Merlo, [email protected], know ing at all in advocacy, please contact Allison Cohen
if you have any feedback or want to join the commit- [email protected].
tee for next year! Our PSC was on the scene to support
the event as well and announced the winner’s prizes at We hope to see you all at our Next PSC event; Casino
our PSC event on March 30th; Maintenance Apprecia- Night on June 20th at Pedrotti’s! This event brings On-
tion Cook-off which is THE family fun event!! The weath- site, Management and Owners!! This night is all about
er was nice and the theme was Renaissance Fair! We having a fun time and networking at the same time!
had some GREAT food, booths and costumes. See how It’s like you’re in Vegas but you Always WIN!! There are
the PSC works hand in hand with ALL SAAA events and still some sponsorships left if you have not registered yet.
ALL members! We are stronger together. Suppliers, to attend this event you must have a sponsor-
ship which you can purchase at
Suppliers, if you want to have a chance to network,
work hand-in-hand and build relationships, truly be a As you can see, SAAA and its members bring Tons of
part of our industry and be a part of making an impact, networking opportunities and events for All members
contact Kimberly Pipes from SAAA at kimberly@saaa- throughout the year! What better way to Grow than PSC wants to hear from you! to get involved in some capacity and be a part of the
Greatness? I challenge you to get involved or ask how
Not only does PSC help develop a strong relationship to; contact me at [email protected].
within the multi-family housing industry between the I look forward to hearing from you!!
companies which supply goods and/or services and
owner/operators of the multi-family housing industry
we also assist with development of new members and
member retention. You can be ready to see PSC mem- | May/June 2019