Celine Williams
SAAA 2019 President | Lincoln Property Company
t’s election time and your Vote is your Voice! The We also had a successful membership drive that
San Antonio Apartment Association works on led to 51 new members. Thank you to Membership
behalf of our members to develop and main- Committee Chair, Sunny Giarritta and congrats to
tain productive relationships with public officials at Liz Galvez, who recruited the most members during
the local, state, and federal levels. We work hard to the drive. Make sure to look for new members at
have an active dialogue with public policy makers our Membership Mixer on May 23rd and all other
to promote legislation that is favorable to our indus- events to welcome them to SAAA.
try. When legislation negatively impacts our industry
the repercussions can influence housing affordabil- It’s finally here! The first ever SAAA Marketing &
ity, company growth and job security, among many Leasing conference, Live 2 Lease. I remember when
other things. It takes all of us to make an impact. We SAAA Director of Professional Development, Jenni-
have many opportunities for you to get involved fer Feeler, came to the Education Advisory Council
and make a difference. Start by joining us on May a few years ago with an idea to put on a high ener-
4th to cover voting polls and endorse candidates gy education event for our Leasing and Marketing
that support the rental housing industry. professionals that we have never had before. Now
to see it come to life with all the excitement around
Thank you to those that have contributed to the it has been amazing to watch. Thank you to all the
Political Action Committee (“PAC”). Your contribu- staff and volunteers that have worked so hard to
tions have allowed us to support those who have make this event happen. Special thanks to Edu-
shown understanding of our industry and fight cation Advisory Chair, Tony Sousa and Vice Chair,
legislation on your behalf. If you have not already Stacy Frame for leading the pack and making this
made a PAC contribution log into conference even better than I could have imag-
and click the orange PAC Donation button at the ined. Also, thank you to and all of
top. our sponsors for helping make this event come to
life. This is just one example of how thinking outside
We had a great Maintenance Appreciation Month the box and not being afraid to speak up about
and appreciate all who participated in Mainte- your ideas can lead to great things. The seed was
nance Mania and the Maintenance Appreciation planted a few years ago and now we get to see it
Cook-Off . Thank you to Maintenance Mania Chair, flourish and enjoy the fruits. I look forward to watch-
Ryan Baldwin and to the PSC for making these ing this event grow and trying new things to ensure
events a success. Congrats to all the winners and you get the most of your membership.
especially to Johani Villanueva, who was the over-
all Maintenance Mania winner!
Celine | May/June 2019