SAAA March/April 2017 Residence Magazine | Page 7


Debbie Wiatrek | SAAA 2017 President | Capstone Real Estate Services

Off to a Great Start !

We sure are off to a great start . We kicked off 2017 with a record number of people attending the Installation of Officers where the legendary Steve Ross installed me as your 2017 President- what an incredible honor that was as he has been a great mentor to me as well as many others . Thanks again , Steve !

From here , we rolled right into TAA Legislative Day . Our very own Mark Hurley taught one amazing impromptu class on what to expect and how the day would go on Legislative Day . We had over 30 people attend the training class , a great turn out for short notice . We shuttled over 40 people later that week , on Wednesday , up to Austin to the Capital , at no cost , and we fed them ! Here they met up with another 44 people making this the largest Legislative Day to date in SAAA history ! With 84 total in attendance , this beat out all the other Associations , once again ! GO SAN ANTONIO !
Bang , bang , were the sounds heard at the Political Action Committee , ( PAC ) Clay Shoot recently . We again , had a record number turn out with 75 shooters and 39 spectators , for a total of 115 attendees ( including staff )! But , the best part of the day was we raised $ 13,200 ! All this money goes towards supporting our efforts in the Government Affairs arena . Thank you for exceeding all attendee counts and expectations ! Thanks so much to our title sponsors Wash Multifamily Laundry Systems and FSI Construction .
As we move into the upcoming months , we will kick off our American Red Cross campaign , so be sure you pick up your donation canister at the SAAA offices . Our next event is Maintenance Appreciation Day featuring our Maintenance Mania and Cook-off , held out at the Helotes Fair Grounds on March 18 , where we will make it a “ Circus to Remember ”. We have adjusted the times for these events to ensure there is no down time for our attendees- check out the www . saaaonline . org for more info . We look forward to clowning around with all of you there . Thank you to our title sponsor for the Cookoff , Roto-Rooter and our Maintenance Mania , National Sponsor HD Supply ! We then will look forward to seeing everyone at our Spring Mixer which will be held at The Well on April 6 . Many thanks to our event sponsors !
We will keep you posted on events upcoming for National Apartment Day , which is April 6 , and all you can do to promote your community . So , watch out for this upcoming news in the weeks to follow ! We have some great educational classes being offered throughout March and April , so be sure you check it out .
In closing , I leave you with this , “ As we express our gratitude , we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words , but to live by them .” JFK I am forever grateful to serve as your President . # ALLIN4SAAA


www . saaaonline . org | March / April 2017 7