SAAA March/April 2017 Residence Magazine | Page 39


Company :______________________________________________ Community :____________________________________________ Primary Contact : _______________________________________ Phone : _________________________________________________ Email : __________________________________________________
Attendees : Name : _________________________________________________ Title : ___________________________________________________

April 6 th at The Well , 6:00 p . m .

5539 UTSA Boulevard , San Antonio , TX 78249
Early Bird Reservation $ 25 All reservations received after March 23rd will be charged the regular price of $ 35 .

Thank You Sponsors !

Name : _________________________________________________ Title : ___________________________________________________
Name : _________________________________________________ Title : ___________________________________________________
Name : _________________________________________________ Title : ___________________________________________________
Name : _________________________________________________ Title : ___________________________________________________
Name : _________________________________________________ Title : ___________________________________________________
Name : _________________________________________________ Title : ___________________________________________________
Name : _________________________________________________ Title : ___________________________________________________
Cancellations must be made by January 4th . Cancellations must be received by deadline date to receive a refund . The reservation fee ( s ) will be due if notice of cancellation is not received . Faxed and emailed reservations are considered confirmed . No-shows will be billed . I understand that by providing the fax number and email address above , on behalf of the company / organization / property specified above , that I am authorized to and hereby consent for the company / organization / property to receive faxes and email notices sent by or on behalf of the San Antonio Apartment Association .
Please send completed form to SAAA either via fax at 210.692.7277 or email admin @ saaaonline . org . Payment : q Invoice me ($ 2 billing fee will be incurred ) Prepay Options : q Check Enclosed q Credit Card Card No : __________________________________ Exp :__________ Billing Zip Code :__________ Sec . Code :_______ Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________________
It is the policy of the SAAA that all events and education seminar invoices incur a $ 2 billing fee , unless payment in full has been made prior to the invoicing of such event or if registration is being paid in full at the door .
SAAA events , seminars , classes & gatherings will be photographed and / or videotaped for future use in promotional materials . By entering the events , you are providing SAAA irrevocable permission to use your voice , image or likeness for any live or recorded video display , broadcast or other transmission , reproduction or other depiction in any media or hereafter existing for any legal purpose without your consent . By completing and submitting this registration form , I expressly acknowledge on behalf of my company , all registrants on this form and myself , that notwithstanding the event , the name of the event or the theme of the event , San Antonio Apartment Association , Inc . (“ SAAA ”), does not endorse , encourage , condone or require the use of copyrighted or trademarked images , logos , brands , or the like by members www , exhibitors . saaaonline or participants . org at SAAA | March events . To / April unsubscribe 2017 from 39 emails , faxes or any information from SAAA , please email admin @ saaaonline . org , 7525 Babcock Rd ., San Antonio , TX 78249 Office 210.692.7797 or Fax 210.692.7277 . © Copyright San Antonio Apartment Association .