SAAA February 2022 Residence Magazine | Page 30

Mental Health

can take them again ! Remember , Life is still going to happen , and there will be things that demand your attention . If you schedule time , and do your best to stick to that schedule , you ’ ll have an easier time getting back on track , and you can reward yourself for your absolute inability to give up . You beast , you . We can also receive rewards from a cheering support network ; people that we trust to keep us encouraged and tell us we ’ re awesome . Tell friends about your new normal , encourage them in kind , share your progress . Make it a fun game , and stay positive and keep on hitting that goal , making that new normal .
Finally , there ’ s a UNIVERSAL goal that you should set , no matter what your resolution is . Get some sleep . We ’ ve talked about how important sleep is in other articles ( which you should totally check out ), and it ’ s also important here . Schedule time to get more rest , and make that another habit , another reward , and you ’ re double dipping the dopamine system , because we are that smart . GET . HEALTHY . SLEEP .
OK , Ready ? On Your Mark … Get Set … Change !
“ We admire them . All those people who have come through unbelievable lives or circumstances and yet are truly amazing people . Their lives made them stronger . It made them fighters against all , or many , odds . And we wonder how they did it .
It ’ s because they found their strength within themselves . They found strength in others who cared about and supported them . They looked for something ‘ better ’.
Coming from a family with an abusive , angry alcoholic father , yet blessed with a mother of great faith and strength , we , as siblings , decided there were things we saw as opportunities , gifts , and goals . We decided not to raise our children , or treat our spouses , as we had seen demonstrated in our family . We would not be abusive or drink to access . We would not abandon our families or leave them financially destitute . We would learn new ways ( habits ) to change into the men and women we wanted to become .
We choose something different . We were our own support network , as well as having be encouraged and supported by many wise mentors , caring church friends and other extended family members .
Setting resolutions ( or goals ), whether at the beginning of the new year … or at any time , carries the same focused decision making .
We set goals that are attainable , that we ( rather
30 FEBRUARY 2022 | www . saaaonline . org