SAAA August 2020 Residence Magazine | Page 3

Special Edition IN THIS ISSUE CONTENTS . . . 7 COVID-19 STATEMENT FROM SAAA Instructions and links to help during this pandemic 17 VIRTUAL PAC BUSINESS EXCHANGE Special thanks to the companies who participated 19 RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Information for residents to apply for help 20 MULTIFAMILY PERFORMANCE An update from ALN 22 NEW CITY ORDINANCE REQUIREMENT Notice of Tenant Rights Ordinance 27 NEW MEMBERS Welcome to the SAAA family 33 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Upcoming education courses from SAAA San Antonio, TX General Overview Jun Conventional Properties Annual Chg 2020 Occupancy 89.0 -1.4% Unit Change 5,495 Units Absorbed (Annual) 2,838 Average Size (SF) 848 +0.1% Asking Rent $1,041 +0.6% Asking Rent per SF $1.23 +0.6% Effective Rent $1,015 -0.1% End of June, 2020 36 CARES ACT FLOWCHART When a resident fails to pay during Covid-19 37 RESOURCES Resources to combat homelessness Effective Rent per SF $1.20 -0.1% % Offering Concessions 40% +26.8% Avg. Concession Package 5.6% +7.3% Market Breakdown # # % of Avg Average Rent Rent Concessions Market Props Units SF Mkt Eff Offering Avg Package Property Type Occ. Props Conventional 79% 986 182,976 89.0% $1,041 $1,015 40.0% 5.6% 848 39 VIRTUAL MAINTENANCE MANIA Information on this year’s event | AUGUST 2020 SPECIAL EDITION 3