Texas issues statewide order
requiring face coverings:
Governor Greg Abbott has issued Executive Order 29
requiring all Texans to wear a face covering over the
nose and mouth in public spaces, with few exceptions,
in counties with 20 or more positive COVID-19 cases.
This includes Bexar County.
Governor’s Face Covering Requirements:
• Must wear a face covering, over the nose and mouth, when inside a building or a space, that is open to the public.
• Must wear a face covering, over the nose and mouth, when in an outdoor public space, wherever it is not feasible to
maintain six feet of social distancing from another person that is not in the same household.
Governor’s Outdoor Gathering Restrictions:
The Governor also issued a proclamation which prohibits most outdoor gatherings of more than 10 people.
However, a mayor or county judge may approve outdoor gatherings larger than 10 people, with certain conditions.
City of San Antonio Emergency Declaration And Bexar County Executive Order
ALL businesses are required to develop and implement a Health & Safety Policy; and, this policy must be posted in a prominent
location sufficient to provide notice to employees, customers, and visitors of all requirements in the Health & Safety Policy for
the business.
The policy must require at a minimum that:
• All employees, customers & visitors to the commercial entity’s business
premises or other facilities wear face coverings where practicing 6 feet of social
distancing is not feasible
• The business prominently displays a list of COVID-19 symptoms at or near the
public and employee entrances of the premises (download the City’s sample
sign below)
• Businesses may also add other mitigating measures such as temperature
checks and screening questions, but they are not required to do so.
To view the Mayor’s entire Emergency Declaration click here.
To view the County Judge’s entire Executive Order click here.
To download the city’s “Watch for Covid-19 Symptoms” sign, click here.
www.saaaonline.org | AUGUST 2020 SPECIAL EDITION 13