SA Roofing catches up with Amanda Obbes, general manager at the Institute for Timber Construction South Africa( ITC-SA), to learn more about this dynamic industry role player.
True to timber
SA Roofing catches up with Amanda Obbes, general manager at the Institute for Timber Construction South Africa( ITC-SA), to learn more about this dynamic industry role player.
Q Give us the rundown on your career so far.
I worked in banking for 10 years, after which I took up the role of secretary to the executive director of the ITC-SA in 1999. I was appointed as the institute’ s national coordinator in 2017, and then as its general manager as of March 2018. I am responsible for the day-to-day running of the ITC-SA, management of six staff members, identification and planning of projects, as well as visiting members in various regions. I report directly to the ITC-SA board of directors. While I was not afforded the opportunity of a tertiary qualification, I believe that qualifications garner substance not necessarily with formal education, but with experience in the field and the passion one brings to the job. I have had many mentors during my 19 years at the ITC-SA from whom I have learnt a great deal about the industry and invaluable business acumen, which I apply daily.
Q What are the ITC-SA’ s core goals?
An important aspect of our mission is to ensure that site-made timber roof structures do not exceed the‘ deemed to satisfy’ rules of the National Building Regulations( NBR), which is not well regulated, and results in extensive remedial work having to be done on these structures; something that is easily avoidable by making use of prefabricated timber roof trusses. The solution to this lies in the continuous education of the consumer on the benefits of choosing quality over an attractive price tag and understanding the myriad benefits of engineered timber roof trusses over those made on site. The institute further strives to promote the maximum usage of timber in the country in the use of timber frame housing. I have managed to secure 60 % membership of timber roof truss fabricators since the
Amanda Obbes, general manager at the ITC-SA.
inception of the voluntary membership. Having established close relationships with our members, we are in a better position to take a more proactive approach to identifying challenges in the field and addressing them more efficiently.
Q What are the industry’ s greatest challenges?
What the institute hopes to achieve as a SAQA-accredited professional body, and which is the biggest challenge of all in our industry, is to ensure compliance to the NBR, where in all timber roof structures are designed, manufactured and erected in accordance with the building standards to the benefit of all consumers. As a voluntary association, the greatest challenge in promoting good building practice is the enforcement of the building regulations throughout the value chain. Although the formal sector is very well regulated, the