SA Roofing October 2018 // Issue 105 | Page 29

FEATURES “ With growing emphasis placed on green buildings worldwide, more South African property owners and architects should consider converting rooftops into gardens.” SOME GREEN ROOF BENEFITS • Reduced urban heat island effect • Additional insulation • Additional thermal mass • Slowing do wn storm water run-off • Opportunity for greater biodiversity in cities • Opportunity for urban food gardens • Opportunity for a place of respite for staff and customers • Extends life of waterproofing, that is less exposed to direct sun HIGH LEVEL GREEN ROOF DESIGN CRITERIA • What is the roof structure carrying capacity? • Will the roof be accessible to people? • What kinds of plants and trees will be planted? • What are the maintenance requirements? and systems that are modular and adaptable, which is often easier for projects to use. “Certain professional teams have also come up with very innovative ideas, for example the use of recycled crates as planter boxes, which has been effectively executed at the Green Star-rated Radisson Red Hotel in Cape Town. Another development to mention is Aurecon’s Century City Green Star rated building in Cape Town which has a beautiful green roof that serves as a wonderful place of respite for staff,” highlights Braune. “There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ green roof design – there are various kinds of green roof designs depending on a number of criteria, such as the roof structure carrying capacity, the kind of planting to be done, the use of the space and so forth. For this reason, it is essential to involve a professional design team, including a qualified landscape architect, to come up with a best practice green roof design to meet specific outcomes desired for that unique project. “The future of green roofing is for all rooftop space to be used for energy regulation and generation to help in combating global warming,” believes Sam. Completed in 2011, Aurecon’s Century City premises in Cape Town was the first 5-Star Green Star SA rated building in South Africa. It’s home to a green rooftop of note. CLADDING // CONCRETE // INSULATION // STEEL // THATCH // TIMBER // TRANSLUCENT // WATERPROOFING // COMPONENTS OCTOBER 2018 27