FEATURES efficient ? And lastly how will my insulation perform over the life cycle of my building ? Designers recognise very well that certain products have a limited life span , but yet they still specify these products – primarily due to cost constraints .”
A demonstration of roof insulation being installed .
From page 20
specification of roof insulation materials makes a significant impact on the overall energy consumption of a building .”
Since the advent of SANS 10400-XA as a standard prescribing minimum required thermal values for certain classes of buildings , developers and professionals alike have taken more cognisance of the energy requirements of a building of which roof insulation forms an integral part .
“ In the revision of SANS 10400-XA , which is due for publication in 2019 , all tiled roofs in certain energy zones will have to have a tile underlay or radiant barrier . However , a radiant barrier alone still does not achieve the minimum insulation requirements and additional insulation materials will have to be installed , for instance on top of the ceiling ,” advises Wutete .
Addressing challenges
In retrofitting existing buildings there are certain challenges depending on each specific project , highlights Doherty . “ If roof insulation materials are not applied according to the correct specifications for the relevant structure , this could impact on the overall thermal performance of the material or system , therefore compromising the energy performance of the building . Luckily we as an industry have certain measures in place to ensure that the correct product is applied in the correct manner for the required application and performance parameters by issuing Certificates of Compliance .”
Jeffery says it ’ s always advisable to insulate as close to the heat source as possible which will offer the best overall performance ; however in reality , it almost always happens above the ceiling . “ The challenge here is a range of contributing factors that impact insulation , such as : is your insulation pest or vermin resistant ? How will moisture , dust or water damage affect your insulation ’ s performance over time ? What will the cost be to replace the insulation once it ’ s no longer thermally
The future of insulation
When looking at the future of insulation products and design , Jeffery believes that we need to cast our focus abroad . “ The European and American markets have played a pioneering role in the insulation space for some time now . For us to understand this we need to take a design thread from these markets and incorporate it into our design philosophies in Africa .” Doherty says there is constant development and evaluation of materials and technologies worldwide when it comes to insulation . “ To this end there are many products currently available on the South African market with new entrants and products appearing from time to time . As a developing market in global terms , South Africa is able to manufacture most of the required products locally and this should continue successfully going forward .
“ The future of insulation in South Africa is positive . It has taken decades for the industry to evolve and ‘ catch up ’ with the rest of the world , but we are definitely in a much better space than 15 to 20 years ago . Industry efforts channelled through our associations have had a major impact on the consideration of roof insulation materials in South Africa . The only challenge we still face is the effective education of all parties with regard to insulation in the built environment , and the necessary performance of governmental statutory bodies such as the SABS to consistently improve and grow with the industry ,” explains Doherty .
Wutete adds to this sentiment , “ Insulation products and packaging will continue to change and insulation contractors will constantly have to reinvent themselves to remain relevant but there will always be a market for insulation .”