The inside of a roof need not remain dormant.
management and quantity management. If office during the day. Ten panels run the good thermal insulation product, or
they are pre-emptively built or refurbished entire office, inverter included. Most offices combination of products pays off in a
to do so, they can be used for rainwater only run during the day, so why are not more higher comfort level inside the building, as
harvesting and responsible storm water buildings installing this?” asks Van ‘t Hof. well as in reduced heating and cooling
management,” adds Harms.
A cool roof paint is another option
It is important to note that many
corporate offices as well as new residential
costs,” he expresses.
available to minimise the heat island effect. properties are installing green aspects to Making it work
Application of such a paint reduces heat their buildings. Solar panels are installed in With any installation, for the product to
loads on spaces below the roof. Harms says car parks. Van ‘t Hof says that this is a good work as intended it does need to be
that the space can be used productively initiative as it takes strain off the local grid installed properly. “Specifically, to a green
combined with natural elements. and, “As an added bonus provides shade roof, there are issues that can arise around
parking for clients.” waterproofing, incorrect roof barriers,
“Solar / photovoltaic panels ensure
renewable energy generation and reduced
Insulation is another way that a roof can
irrigation, correct selection of plant species
and accessibility,” advises Harms.
dependence on energy from fossil fuels, make a sustainable contribution. “There are while having the ability to provide shading remarkable products on the market right if cleverly placed,” Harms says. “Solar now to help with this,” says Van ‘t Hof. used to tick sustainability boxes. Harms
geysers heat water to 65⁰C,” shares Van ‘t “There are ceiling boards that have adds that water wise practices should be
Hof. He feels that it should be mandatory to insulating properties, there are inside considered in all phases while still making
have solar on all structures in the country. ceiling blanket insulation products and the space visually and physically accessible.
Electricity is expensive, solar panels can
dramatically decrease the cost. “Correctly
placed, a panel can deliver 250W of power.
“Three panels can run the lights of a small
MAY 2018
there are under-tile insulating products. He
adds that these products are also low-cost.
“Do your research and spend what you
can afford. It works out well in the end. A
Overall, a roof, inside and outside can be
“As green design becomes the new
norm, this move effectively takes
sustainability in the built environment to
the next level,” concludes Reinink.