Insulation has played a vital part in the evolution of buildings and is increasingly important , especially as we see a rise in global energy prices .
Understanding insulation
Insulation has played a vital part in the evolution of buildings and is increasingly important , especially as we see a rise in global energy prices .
By Knauf Insulation | Photos by Knauf Insulation
When it comes to insulation , it ’ s critical to make your first choice count . If you do , your insulation should not only offer excellent thermal performance ( along with energy saving , cost saving and combating climate change ) but also deliver superior acoustic and fire safety properties , enhance quality of life and ultimately raise the overall performance of the building in which it is installed .
There ’ s so much more to insulation than simply managing the internal environment by controlling factors such as penetrating heat , or cold gain and loss . To put some of our suggestions into sharper focus , below , we look at one particular solution , discuss the energy efficiency benefits of insulation and talk about the impact Energy Performance Certificates ( EPCs ) may have in South Africa .
Insulation focus : insulated masonry cavity walls
Insulated masonry cavity walls offer excellent thermal performance when the cavity is utilised as an insulation zone . The cavity wall benefits from several features that account for its popularity with designers , developers and home owners .
Benefits :
• Design flexibility to meet the energy performance requirements of clients with widely available materials ;
• In a heated or cooled environment insulation reduces energy consumption and pays for itself ;
• Suitability for traditional methods of construction ; and
• Existing empty cavities ( minimum 40mm ) can be upgraded with retrofit solutions .
A new build solution , DriTherm masonry cavity wall .
The greatest proportion of heat loss from a typical house is through the roof and walls . Installing masonry cavity walls slows down the rate of heat / chilled loss ( in a controlled environment ) therefore providing immediate savings on fuel bills .
Insulation and energy efficiency
The energy saving properties of insulation mean buildings are kept warm in the winter and cool in the summer . The bigger the temperature difference between the inside and outside of a building , the faster the building will lose cold or heat .
Mineral wool insulation helps to maintain the inside managed temperature ( from heating or air conditioning ) by slowing heat / chilled transfer by convection , conduction and radiation .
At Knauf Insulation , we already have an established presence and track record of success around the world in different climate conditions by helping people to :
• Save money on their energy bills ;
• Reduce general energy use and lower greenhouse gas emissions ;
• Reduce the reliance on heating and cooling systems ;
• Improve the overall comfort in living and working environments ;
• Help prevent additional maintenance over the lifetime of a property ; and
• Assist from an acoustic and additional health point of view ( minimising the threat of mould and damp ).
JUNE 2018