The warm cherry on top
Winter is here and as we all brace ourselves against the cold
with heaters and crank up the heat in the car we also ask
ourselves, how can a contractor winter proof a building?
By Ntsako Khosa
The type of roof installed should play a significant role in controlling the temperature.
here is a myriad of insulation “The real question is how well does resist the transfer of heat. All this depends
products available to help our space insulation work and how long will it last?” on the region the project is in.
be cool in summer and warm in he asks.
winter. On cold winter days, warm air from
Studies conducted on energy gain and
“Each building needs to comply with a
certain R-Value as stipulated in the
inside escapes and the reverse occurs loss around the perimeter of a building SANS10400XA code,” says Jeffery. The
in summer. show that walls lose 35%, roofs 25%, floors minimum required total R-Value is
‘Thermal insulation provides a high
25%, doors 15% and windows 10%. While determined by six climatic zones. “Certain
resistance to the flow of heat from the moisture absorption takes about less than products perform better in different
warm surface to the cold surface in your 3%. “If the designer insulates walls and environments, moisture, dust and heat (hot
home, helping you maintain a comfortable roofs the building will perform up to 60% or cold). Some insulations are prone to
living environment,’ says Aerolite better thermally than without insulation,” moisture absorption and others become
installers, AeroPink. adds Jeffery. vulnerable when exposed to temperatures
Lyle Jeffery national sales manager of
Installation of insulation is determined
Lamdbaboard maintains that almost any by the climate zone and has a specified
insulation material will work, however, R-Value, which is the product’s ability to
above 70°C,” Jeffery adds.
The design of the roof plays a role in the
effectiveness of temperature regulation.
JUNE 2018