Corne Nel
– owning his brand
Passion can take you far but combining it with a commitment to
serve customers can take you further than you expect – just ask
Corne Nel from Clotan Steel.
By Ntsako Khosa
orne Nel’s official job title is
architectural specifying consultant
however, he says, “I don’t ascribe
to titles and job descriptions – I refuse to be
limited by them. I also do a bit of corporate
communications and marketing.”
As well as marketing, media, advertising
and writing press releases, he is also
involved with customer relationship
management, public relations and
architectural product specification. Overall,
he enjoys the freedom and creativity of
his job.
With communications being his passion,
he did not foresee that he would be in the
steel industry for as long as he has.
“I studied Public Relations Management
at the Vaal University of Technology (VUT)
and ended up in the steel sector by chance
while completing practical training. I’ve
been doing this for 22 years now – starting
from internal sales to middle management
and back to consulting.”
He has been with Clotan Steel for almost
five years and displays full loyalty in the
brand in what he does each day by
continuing to be an ambassador for
Clotan Steel.
“For me quality always out measures
quantity. I aim to establish the brand as a
no-nonsense, trustworthy supplier of
choice to consumers.”
His focus firm on the consumer, he
believes that a clean up of the industry is
required. “Sub-standard products are
infesting our ports.” To move past this
problem, he says, “We need the kind of
protection that not only serves those with
monopolistic attitudes, but the broader
Corne Nel from Clotan Steel.
industry. Duties alone are short-sighted and
disruptive. Tough legislative measures are
the only answer here.”
He describes his journey as both
rewarding and tough, “The sense of
accomplishment of strolling casually
through a mall knowing you were part of it
all, is immensely satisfying – so I can’t begin
to imagine what an architect feel’s like.”
In his years of serving the industry he
has a few projects under his belt and the
one that particularly stands out for him is
Mall of Africa in Midrand. “I am in complete
awe of the lead architect and hold her in
very high esteem. We supplied not only the
80 000m² roof, but also the lightweight steel
skeleton for the mall’s façades and a
healthy portion of the structural
steel component.”
The project went on to win many awards
such as joint category winner at the 2016
Southern African Institute of Steel
Construction (SAISC) Steel Awards,
Engineering Excellence Award for projects
with a value greater than R250-million at
the 2017 Consulting Engineers South Africa
(CESA) Awards, Best Retail Development
Award at the 2017 South African Property
Owners Association (Sapoa) Excellence
Awards as well as a 2017 international
Vision, Innovation, Value, Achievement
(VIVA) Award.
Adamant to the fact that customers
want a solid, trustworthy and consistent
performer he aims to serve loyally and
professionally wherever he goes. “I believe
that you are, in fact, your own brand.
Own it.”
APRIL 2018